It's been about a month since I posted. We've been busy. James has been looking for a job since the middle of January, and after a while of searching with no good job prospects he broadened his search. He had been looking for a job in the Red Stick area, but we knew this was not where we wanted to have a family. So we looked at opportunities for the both us in towns that we would like to move to - such as Dallas, Shreveport, Memphis, Little Rock, NW Arkansas, and St. Louis. We both had really good looking options in St. Louis. We've been up there three times this month - all the while I'm working 40 hours a week. I've had 2 interviews there, and James had one. We've both been offered
great jobs. He's going to be working for the electric utility company there, and I've been offered a job at a
nuclear pharmacy. We're both really excited about our new jobs, and about St. Louis. We've been there twice together and had a ton of fun. I'm SO looking forward to baseball season. James starts his new job April 16th, & my last day at work here in Red Stick will be April 24th. Our house will be on the market on Monday (we hope). I guess I need to think of a new name for this blog.