Monday, February 28, 2011

Signing the acceptance papers

We signed the acceptance papers for our daughter-to-be yesterday afternoon.  These forms are a little confusing, especially the child's visa application.  I had an example to follow.  If you need an example form, let me know & I'll email it to you.  If you wonder why these documents do not look complete, it is because I photoshopped our personal information out of these pictures.  I do have unedited copies saved that we will put in a scrapbook for our little girl.

 Her visa application.  This is a confusing form, because you fill it out on behalf of the child.  There are places where it you have to fill in a spouse's name, schools attended, nationality, employment, and names of children.  These are all questions about the child - not yourself.
I printed these cards up to send to a handful of our family members.  We included a little information about our girl and two photos of her.  I mailed these today at the post office.
 We sent these to our parents, grandparents, siblings, and a couple other people.  I know there are lots of others who want a photo, but we still have a lot of hurdles to cross and this is not a "done deal."  We will be more generous with her photos after we have passed court.  Thanks for understanding.  Our parents and grandparents will be happy to show her off, so ask them if you live near them.

While I was driving to our social worker's office this morning to drop off the acceptance papers, I got the phone call from the International Pediatrician that I had been waiting on.  I had honestly been dreading that call, because our initial consultation with her after our first referral was filled with gut wrenching words like "nutritionally wasted", "malnourished,"  "HIV," "failure to thrive," and "developmental delays."  We went from hopeful to scared over the course of that phone call, and I was afraid she would find something in the report that we had missed this time and I'd be in for another scary phone call.  Well, that did not happen!  She said that this little girl looks pretty healthy.  She feels that this baby might be a little older than eight months and she estimates that she is anywhere from 8-12 months old.  We are fine with that, and that is not enough of a variance for us to bother with changing her birthdate.  We are so thankful that she is healthy and that the nannies are taking good care of her!


  1. So happy for you both. Praying for that sweet baby girl in Ethiopia.

  2. Really exciting time for you all! Congrats again!

  3. Love sharing this journey with you and James. Blessings!

  4. This is so exciting! I can't wait to see a picture...I know she is adorable!
