Thursday, September 26, 2013

Samuel's First Haircut

I had been putting this off, but we're going to a family get together this weekend and it had to be done.  Samuel needed a haircut. I was off yesterday, and I started to take him to a children's hair salon. Then I found out that they charged $20 for a child's haircut. I thought that was a bit much, so I made other plans. There's a walk-in hair salon very close to our house, so we took the kids there after I got off work today. They had a 40 minute wait, so on to plan C - me and James cutting Samuel's hair at home. I put two large garage bags on the floor in the living room in front of the TV, put Samuel's high chair on top of them & strapped him into the chair.  I turned the TV on to PBS. James got his hair clippers and scissors out, and away we went.

I showed him the comb, scissors, and trimmer before I used them. I rubbed the electric trimmer over the skin on my hand and then over his hand to show him that it would not hurt. James used the electric trimmer to give his neckline a straight edge.  Samuel didn't fuss about the ordeal too much. James helped me keep the little dude still, and we did a decent job cutting his hair. We'll get better with practice.

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